Monday, March 17, 2008

Skateboards and Movies

This weekend was movie-filled to the MAX. During a normal month, I might rent two movies. Well, this weekend I rented 3 and watched all 3. AND I reallllly wanted to see Horton Hears a Who, but didn't have time :).

Friday, we watched 30 Days of Night with a group. I hate scary movies with a passion, I don't see any point to them. This was about 30 days of darkness in Alaska, and these vampires come out and try to eat everyone. Yeah, bad idea. I had my face covered for probably half of this movie because it was so gross!!! No nightmares that night though :)
I watched Into the Wild on Saturday night, I really liked it! It was the kind of movie you need to be 'in the mood for' though. It was pretty slow moving but I think it had a really good message.

Watched the Bee Movie and was pretty disappointed. I love animated movies, and thought this was so funny in the beginning. But by about half way through the movie I was bored, and didn't see any point to the movie at all lol. So I didn't make it all the way through :)

On Sunday, while Matt was at work I took Molly to the big park right by out house....she tested out her skateboarding skills :) When the skateboard wasn't moving she kept trying to eat and attack it, but once I gave it a push she would hop right on and paddle herself down the road! It was pretty entertaining :)
p.s. I went to the Doc for that weird bump behind my ear and discovered it is a cyst. Ew. So if it doesn't magically disappear I'll have it removed.. exciting news, I know ;)


Dave & Chels said...

You have the coolest dog ever. That is hilarious that she was trying to attack the skateboard.
Oh yeah, I'm glad that bump wasn't anything serious. That is weird that it appeared out of nowhere, though!

Mary said...

Is it just a bulldog thing?! Have you ever watched Rob and Big? Reminded me of that show! I cant wait to meet your dog! I will be at your moms tonight. You should come and bring her!

Mary said...

oh...and I would like to see you too! Really...I would!

Anonymous said...

I hate watching movies, I rather skate all day long than to watch a movie. Anyway,paddling herself down the road are all part of the game of skateboard. Even the expert on this field still experiencing some falls with their tricks.

Todd Sansom said...

Skatedogs and cysts...epic blog material