Monday, February 11, 2008

Get to know me inside and out! :)

Last week I had another test for my kidneys, it was a Nuclear Dye test. They injected radioactive isotopes (i think) through an IV (one of my phobias) into my body and took pictures and videos of my kidney function for almost 2 hours. It was quite boring but very interesting to watch. I had Matt take a picture of the screen with my phone.....The one on the left is a nice chunky kidney that seems to be doing his job and the wimpy one on the right aint doin so hot. The pile on the bottom is my bladder :) lovely eh? I don't know the results of this test and was just told I have to go in again on Wednesday to do this all over again to verify whats going on because they found abnomalities. Ahhh the joys of medicine advances.


Dave & Chels said...

Wow, that is amazing. You don't need both your kidneys, right? Seriously, don't people donate kidneys? Good luck with that. :) I'm glad they figured it out now, right?