Sunday, August 3, 2008


So, basically I met my blood brothers in AZ. Josh, and John Bauer I like to call them. :) We 3 Musketeers went out for sushi (SICK! - I just had ice cream lol) and bowling. I'd like to let the world know that in one of our games...I WON!

Thats how excited I was.... He won one too....hahah
I have thriller hands, a lot. So they like to make fun.

Johnny boy here is actually professional. He didn't tell us that until later.....
This is actually my sister, Sara.
cheeeeseThis picture is for everyone to poke fun at my HUGE head and my HUGE vain :)


Dave & Chels said...

Hey, there is nothing wrong with big veins on foreheads...I feel your pain. And I JUST got that joke of that picture of you saying you were Sara. Hahaha...time for me to go to bed.